William Tilson’s green jacket.


An important antique discovery has taken place.  Although records indicate thousands of unique “green” uniform coats were issued and worn by two distinguished Union regiments know as Berdan’s Sharpshooters, only a single known specimen housed in the Smithsonian Institution has survived to modern times. Now, there are two.  This story involves a forgotten wayfaring Union soldier named William Tilson. Bill’s Story:
5’ 11” tall William F. Tilson was 16 years old, November 9, 1861, when he tried out for Company E, of the 2nd Regiment, United States Sharpshooters. A
Vermont farmer, he must have spent long hours practicing his shooting.  To become a “U.S. Sharpshooter, the only volunteer unit to bear such a designation, Bill was required to fire his own non-scope rifle ten consecutive rounds, reloading fast as possible, at one of two targets. The first being 200 yards distant while using a rest, the other paced at 100 yards that was fired at offhand.  Any contestant missing the targets or averaging more than five inches from center was disqualified. Bill made the company.

He was issued a bayonet-fitted, Model 1859; double set trigger, Sharps.52 caliber breech loading rifle.  Some in Company E were armed with heavy telescopic target rifles.  The government also supplied Bill with black leather shoes, brown leather knee length gaiters, an itchy white shirt, Austrian gray pants, a kepi hat, a waist belt, a cartridge box, a canteen, a square mess kit, and two unique ensembles: a fur-covered knapsack, and a distinctive green-dyed nine-button frock coat with rubber buttons-instead of the customary brass-to prevent reflection of light. The uniform, a new one was issued every year, being different from any other in the whole army, provided more than camouflage. It instilled comradeship and fierce pride. Soldiers became warriors.

Bill traveled to Weehawken, NJ, where his unit was trained in innovative close-range skirmishing techniques and long distance marksmanship. Deadly adversaries in hand-to-hand combat or at ranges extending as far as 600 yards, the Berdan Sharpshooters have been credited with a higher percentage of kills than any other unit in the war.  They also suffered the highest rate of casualties. When training was completed, Bill traveled to Washington D.C. where he was placed into service.Tilson, at times a discipline problem, was reported absent from leave in August 1862.  He returned for the Antietam Campaign a month later, where, on Sept.17, 1862 over 25,000 men became casualties. It was the Civil War’s single bloodiest day.

Bill and his comrades were employed as light infantry. Often patrolling from the front line, it was their responsibility to engage the enemy for the purpose of discovering deployment.  With the enemy located, the Sharpshooters shifted back to reinforce the infantry. Usually positioned at a flank, they delivered long range fire, targeting officers, artillery batteries, and enemy snipers. During retreat, the “boys in green” were put in the unfortunate position of rear support; forfeiting many of their rank to prevent main body forces from being overrun.

Bill Tilson was promoted from in rank from private to 5th sergeant on January 3, 1863.  He was present, May 1-4, at the battle of Chancellorsville. July 2, 1863, during the second day of battle at Gettysburg, Tilson was with the 169-man regiment positioned at critical posts in Plum Run Valley near Little Round Top. There, commander, Major Henry Stoughton, wrote: “The enemy then advanced in line of battle covering our entire front and flank.  While they were advancing, the Second Regiment did splendid execution, killing and wounding a great many.  One (enemy) regiment broke three times, and rallied, before it would advance.  I held my position until their line of battle was within 100 yards of me and their skirmishers were pushing my right flank, when I ordered my men to fall back.”

The retreat was difficult. Besides being shot at, Bill and the other Sharpshooters had huge boulders and gnarled exposed tree roots from the heavy-forested area to content with.  The regiment scattered, but continued to perform its deadly work. As the southerners advanced to Little Round Top and attempted to outflank the Union, they were hit with volley after volley. After the battle the Confederates referred to this rocky wooded area as “The Slaughter Pen.”  To the west, scattered Sharpshooter packs were helping other Union soldiers defend “the wheat field,” an area now referred to as the “whirlpool of the battle.” Engaging armies charged and counter-charged five times, blanketing the terrain with corpses.

Tilson was listed as “absent sick” from July 31st through late September.  Following a hospital stay, he rejoined his regiment. Surprisingly, the soldier once charged with desertion reenlisted when his term of service ended in December 1863.  Shortly thereafter, he was promoted to 3rd sergeant. May 6, 1864, Sgt. Tilson suffered a severe wound to his left side in the Battle of the Wilderness. While recovering at a U.S. hospital in Burlington, Vermont, he met a girl from his hometown, Susan E. Lamson, and married. September 12, Tilson rejoined Company E. Soon thereafter, he was reported as a deserter for the second time.  No doubt, his new bride played a part in this transgression.

Tilson was discharged from the Sharpshooters, January 4, 1865. He joined Company G of the 4th Vermont Volunteers as 2nd lieutenant. During the April 2nd assault on Petersburg, Tilson was severely wounded by canister-shot. The lower third of his right leg was amputated. After hospitalization, he returned to Vermont and tried to make a living as a shoemaker. His wounded leg never healed.  After years of suffering, “the stump developed ulcers and then a large abscess.” Tilson died, June 21, 1910, leaving his wife and four children.  Undoubtedly, Susan tucked Bill’s old green coat away as a proud memento to his life and service.